
Friday 30 September 2011

First Camera Exercise

This is our first time using the cameras and editing the clips on iMovie.

Have you framed your shots properly? 

All the shots were framed properly according to the sheet we were given, apart from one where the camera is facing the door and it is a bit lob sided.

Have you included the number of shots you planned? 

Yes, as we planned to take 9 shots, and 9 shots we did take. 

Does your piece have pace/atmosphere?

We would say it has pace to it, but not so much atmosphere, it has a certain flow to it. 

How could it be improved?

It could be improved by ensuring that all the shots were framed properly, as one shot is slightly off center.

Does it make sense/flow? Does it jump?

We had to crop quite a lot of shots as they were causing the flow of the film to jump a bit in places. This was easily resolved by cropping and now it flows well and there are no jumps at all. 

Until next time. .  .

Friday 23 September 2011

How we will be assessed

We will be assessed by choosing 30/40 seconds of a previous students horror film and recreating this in our  own groups.

The section of the film we are going to choose is from the Psychological 1 film where the actor opens the door and looks in the mirror and ends up in the forest.

At this stage, our actors are unknown along with our location for the film.

First Post

First blog on the blogger blog.

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be learning about the equipment we are going to be using whilst making our films in Media Studies. Also we will be learning about Camera Framing and Shot Types, Continuity, Storyboarding and Genre Conventions.