
Friday 14 October 2011

Matt's Recce

What Is The Location?

The pictures that I took for the recee are In different wooded areas around Nottingham including Bramcote Park, Manor Park and the Arboretum.

What Would You Film Here?

If I was to film In these locations, It would be filming a section of the previous years film that we have to recreate.

Public Usage?

All of the areas that I have captured are public areas, so there would be people walking through so I would have to make sure that when I start filming that nobody would walk Into shot that wouldn't be supposed to.

How Well Lit Is The Site?

All of the locations that I captured are open, outside spaces with plenty of light.

Where Does The Light Come From?

The light that would be In the shot would be coming from the sun.

Will You Need Extra Lighting?

Depending on the weather and the amount of daylight on the particular day would give me an idea whether I would need extra lighting or not.

How Will You White Balance The Camera?

To white balance the camera I would use a piece of clear, blank A4 paper.

Are There Any Background Noises?

In these locations there would be a certain amount of background noise due to the surrounding nature In the bushes and trees by the particular filming location. etc.

Are These Natural Or Man-Made?

The background noise would be natural as It would be produced by the surrounding wildlife.

Will These Affect The Shoot?

As long As the background noise wasn't too loud then It would not affect the filming process.

Electrical(Power Lines etc)?

At manor park there are some power lines near but It would not affect the shoot.

Trip Hazards?

Apart from twigs and rocks on the floor there are no major trip hazards In the areas.

Fire Hazards?

There are no fire hazards In these areas.


There Is no machinery In these areas.

Potential For Street Crime?

There Is no major threat of street crime In these areas.

Permission Required?


Site Evaluation

Suitability - 8/10 

Public Usage - 10/10

Power Supply - 0/10

Space To Move - 10/10

Lighting - 10/10

Sound And Noise - 5/10

Health And Safety - 5/10

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