
Thursday 10 November 2011

AS Media Studies Half-term Homework Assignment Jordan Milner

1. Use of the camera.
Our preliminary assessment shows that we can hold a shot steady. This is shown in that all shots but one the camera is steady which is due to the tripod we used to film our shots. The final shot is our only shot that isn't as steady and this was due to us filming in the forest therefore the ground was quite level and there was a high wind that day. It wobbled slightly when we used the pan movement upwards.

We managed to frame all of our shots properly and everything that needed to be included in our shots were included for example to shot of the character stumbling in the forest, that was filmed from over his shoulder and included in the shot was his head and the forest in the background. 

Our 47 second clip followed almost exactly to the clip of the original except our shots may have been slightly longer and we included all the different shot types that were included in the original.

2. Use of Editing.
In the main we managed to follow the rules of continuity pretty well except for one mistake which we realized after we submitted our film clip. This was that at the beginning when the character opens the door we did a close up of him turning on the light switch, it then goes back to a long shot but the door is closed and we forgot to show the character closing the door or to leave the door open. It didn't take us long to split and trim our clips as it was quite straight forward and all we needed to do was delete clips that we filmed a few times and to trim down the clips we did need to use because they were too long.

3. Selection of Context.
The only prop/costume we needed for the film was a dressing gown and we managed to get one and looked fine so we showed we can choose appropriate costume, make-up and props were not required. We used a bedroom to film most of the clip just like in the original youtube video however our location didn't have a mirror in it but instead we used a window which worked fine. We also filmed the last few seconds of the clip in the Wollaton Park woods which was perfect and looked really similar to the woods in the original video. So our locations were appropriate but it would have been better if we could have found a room with a mirror in it. We used an actor called Alex Preston who is actually really experienced for his age at acting as he goes to drama school and was an extra in the Batman cast and he did well because he was calm and did exactly as we asked him really well.

4. Self-assessment.
To help complete the film i chose our actor because i knew of his experience so i knew that he would be a good choice. I helped the group with using the camera and filming the shots and had input into how much zoom/focus etc was needed in any of our shots and made show our two locations were right to use. The 3 of us took it in turns to edit our film and I did some of the splitting and trimming. To improve the finished film I think we could have identified that the camera was wobbling in the last shot and re-filmed that shot so the camera was steady and we could have included more shot types and camera angles such as a high angle maybe. When it comes to my final coursework film i would make sure all of my preparation work is done straight away and on time so i know what I am doing when it comes to the filming and it will give me more time to film and cut out any silly mistakes.

Jordan Milner 1JT

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