
Tuesday 24 April 2012

Question 3

The sample poster will show a key image the name of the film company. The film makers made a sample poster just to advertise the film, then they release the final poster which says when its been released in the cinema. The sample posters are just to get the film known so that people will go watch the film, another way to promote the film will be by trailers. The trailer for amityville horror has released the trailer so it attaracts the audience, the trailer contains parts of the most intrestings bits of the film so that the audience gets drawn in. Lines are used such as 'based on a true story' so it makes you want to watch it even more. The trailers are a great way to promote your film and so if we wanted to do this we could put the trailer on youtube to get views.

This is our film poster that we have created, this has been made by photoshop, as you can see we created the light and then took an image from the film and made it more transparent this gives a great effect. another image from the clip has been taken and that is of the guy, We have made the character also transparent and then added a black and white effect to make it fit more with the genre. We went with the traditional poster and made the writing white and big so that is clear to see and then a slogon has been used saying 'dont look into the light' this is to draw people in and watch the film. Credits are placed at the bottom of the poster with the film website and companys logo. The certificate is also on the bottom to clarify the age.

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