
Friday 3 February 2012

Rachael evaluation question 1

How does the image use and develop or challenge existing conventions from your sub-genre?

I have chosen the images as inspiration for our own psychological film. The images represent different conventions from the psychological film sub-genre. 

Logo from an excising film 

This is the Paramount logo from an existing film. It is shown before the film as this is a recognizable company and logo.  The colors show the coldness, by using the mountains and eeriness of the clouds. They use the white font as it is clear to see. The writing is clear and bold mirroring the films intentions.

This logo from the Lionsgate company is the red, fiery clouded black ground which gives a mysterious and spooky feel which portrays horror. This logo uses clear font which will stand out when you are watching it. Lionsgate has produced films such as twilight, as twilight is about vampires i think this logo is a great way to portray the genre of the film. 

Logo from our film 
This is my production logo for my film. I feel this logo uses the conventions from my sub genre as it is very dark and gloomy. I have created this image by changing the exposure so that the image is a dark colour so that you get the feeling that the film is scary. This image is also very mysterious just like our film as we use the idea of the light. The titles are in the middle in bold just like the lions gate logo, this makes the name stand out 

Titles from an existing film 

This is the opening titles to the film Seven. It develops the conventions of the story as it opens with clips of the film which creates suspense. The writing of the titles is blurred which is illustrating the type of film it is. They also have words such as; Lust, envy, greed, sloth, wrath and pride which represents what the character is like and maybe the type of mise en scene being used. 

Titles image from our film

This is one image we used in our film and its the name of our film. This logo is simple and easy, but still gives the effect of horror plus i created this image by putting the light in the middle as this is the idea of our film. The titles are white just like the ones used in se7en as i think the white writing stands out by using the black background. 
Image showing sub- genre 

This image is from The Ring. it shows typical conventions from the sub genre of Phychological with mystery. The colours used in this image are black and white showing the white ring light. The white colour gives a cold and airy atmosphere to the film creating the sub genre well. 

Own sub-genre shot

This image shows our sub-genre which is phycological as it plays with the audience mind. They ask themselfs questions such as 'why is he getting possessed by the light?' and 'what happens next?' these are the sort of questions that you ask yourself when watching phsycological films. The angle of the camera shot is at a low angle so it is looking up at the character, this is so you can create shadows on the face and so you can see the emotion being portraid.

established character from a film 

This is an established character from silence of the lambs. In this picture it represents the look of a crazy man. For our character they are going to be slightly crazy just like this character. Our character will have similar features such as the make up under the eyes, the only difference is our character will be younger. From the mise en scene it shows that he is hiding. This is typical behavior in a horror film representing our sub genre well. 

Insert own establishing character 
This image is taken from the end of the film when he is possessed you can see that we used the male character just like the one is the silence of the lambs. In the silence of the lambs the male character has dark eyes to show that he is creepy and also his cheek bones are defined by using black make up to make them stand out. We have to tried to use the similar effects by putting dark makeup around the eyes and then putting the black on the cheek bones. 

Image showing mis-en-scene 

This image from 1408. It represents the mise en scene of our horror film well through a range of light. This room is a little messy then what ours shall look like, but we are filming in a garage so it will be dirty damp and cold, all the key elements to a good horror film. The light coming from the crack in the wall is what our plan was, instead we are using the light and making it come from a whole near the side of the shed. The light is the key feature in this image and this is what we expect from ours. 

Insert own image of mise-en-scene 
This image taken from the garden which shows the mise-en-scene. The light is coming from behind the shed, just like the image from 1408 you can see the light is coming from a crack in the wall we wanted to create that but it was not possible so we thought this was a good idea. As we set at night there is a horror like feel as everything normally happens at night such as films like paranormal activity, amityville horror. 

4 key images of exciting films 
This is the opening titles for Paranormal Activity. The dark background  represent the darkness of the film. They also use red colouring in the titles which illustrates the danger in the film, also the fact the writing is blurred portrays the atmosphere created in the film.

This is an image from poltergeist, an idea that we could do, to create the light is the tv screen, which is show on this image. They use a child as children are shown as innocent so using a child has an effect on the audience.

This is a clip from paranormal activity, this shows the mise en scene. I have chosen this image as it shows that they use an ordinary setting yet mystery things happen. We are chosen a similar setting and creating a similar effect. 

This is also an image from the film 'The Ring' which is off one of the characters. The image links to our film as the character becomes possessed. By showing the possession we are going to use make up and editing.  The girl also looks very evil and is shown by her staring directly into the camera which creates more fear. I think this is something that we could use in our film. 

4 own images here 

This image is very dark, but in the image you can see that there is just a dark character that is processing images in the dark room, but we put a white mask on the actor as i think it added a better effect, of the mystery and horror. As our genre was physiological it plays with the audience mind and make them ask questions such as "why is he processing the images"
This image is of the character seeing the light for the first time, this image shows the characters emotions as he is seeing that he is confused by the light. This is when the audience first sees the threat and the audience starts to wonder where it is coming from. 

This is an image of the character going to see what the light is, this is where the music starts to build up. The long shot shows the mise-en-scene, but then the next shot is of when he is getting closer to the light. 

This image shows the character when he has been possessed, we have put make up on him to define the cheek bones and then made him have the effect of baggy eyes, the actor has cleverly portraid him being possesed by rolling his eyes up so you can just see white. We was thinking of putting white contact lenses in but this works as well. The costume used is just plain so we have gone with black and white so that the focus is only on his face. This is where the audience looks first and grabs there attention. 

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