
Friday 24 February 2012

Our film so far

Rachael's Comments:  

Are your shots steady?
steady shots where filmed using the tripod so they was still, but when we used the dolly, the shots became a little shaky, therefore when we intend to not use a dolly in the second shoot.
Are they well framed? Rule of thirds? Do you have too much/little head room or lead room?
The shots were framed well as we used the rules of 3rd. Also shooting the shots several times and then adjusting if it is needed. 

Do you have a variety of well framed shots?
There are a variety of well framed shots in our film. 

Have you included intresting angles? 
 one angle used is a shot where he is walking towards the door and the camera is following him from the front. 

Have you included a large number of close ups?
There are a few close up shots, but we intend to do more when it comes to the second shoot. 


Have you achieved contiuity editing? Or does it jump? 
I think the continuity editing doesn't jump. There is one part of the film where you can see a tripod in the reflection of the glass, a wire in the back of the shot. A light is in the back of the shot in one of them, therefore we will need to refilm again. 

Does the editing build pace and tension? 
As we have not completed much editing as of yet, we intend to ensure that when we do edit it, it will create tension and build pace. 

Do you have well used mise-en-scene?
we have used the house as a setting, as films such as paranormal activity have used this setting too.
Does the setting create fear? Have you used this well?
The setting does create tention as the electricity goes off and the tv goes fussy and makes a noice.
Do you have appropriate props? Do they create fear?
The only props used are the Tv and thats when you hear that there is a noice coming from the tv.
Have you utilised the lighting to create fear?
Yes, the main threat and source of all the problems is a 'light', so we hope it creates fear.
Are the colours appropriate to your sub-genre?
We have used dark colours to show that this a horror.
Is the characters performance convincing?
The characters performance is convicing as he uses facial expressions and looks confused so this makes the audience think something is there, then at the end he gets possesed the actor got a clear sence of what we was going for, and took that roll well.

Have you chose a suitable character?
The characters age fits in with our target audience range.
Do they conform the sterotype of the threat/victim?
No as he is a male and normally the threat/victim is normally a women, but as he is on his own we decided to go for a young male who turns into the threat.

Laurence's Comments:

Camera and Framing

Are your shots steady?
Most of the shots are steady due to the use of a tripod, but when we used the dolly, the shots became a little shaky, therefore when we intend to not use a dolly in the second shoot.

Are they well framed? Rule of thirds? Do you have too much/little head room or lead room?
I believe that the shots are well framed as we ensured that we followed the rules by shooting the shot several times and adjusting if need be. 

Do you have a variety of well framed shots?
There are a variety of well framed shots in our film

Have you included intresting angles? 
We have used some interesting angles, one of which being the shot where he is walking towards the door and the camera is following him from the front. 

Have you included a large number of close ups?
There are a few close up shots, but we intend to do more when it comes to the second shoot. 


Have you achieved contiuity editing? Or does it jump? 
I believe we have, so far, achieved good continuity editing and it doesn't jump. There is one part of the film where I am clearly visible in the background and this has caused us to have to do a second shoot. 

Does the editing build pace and tension? 
As we have not completed much editing as of yet, we intend to ensure that when we do edit it, it will create tension and build pace. 

Mise En Scene

Do you have well used mise en scene? 

Does the setting create fear? Have you used this well? 

Do you have appropriate props? Do they create fear? 

Have you utilised the lighting to create fear? 

Are the colours appropiate to your sub-genre? 

Have you choose a suitable character? Do they conform the sterotype of the threat/victem? 

Is the characters performance convincing?? 

Peter's Comments:

Technical Areas:

Camera and Framing:

Are your shots steady?
Most are, however when we used the dolly a lot of the shots were moving slightly or not in the right place. On the second shoot we will stick to using the tripod for all the stationary shots.
Are they well framed? Rule of thirds? Do you have too much/little head room or lead room?
The shots are all well framed, and follow all the rules.
Have you included intresting angles? 
Yes. Yes we have.
Have you included a large number of close ups?
We haven't got that many close up's, however we intend to add more on the second shoot.


Have you achieved contiuity editing?
Yes, we have achieved continuity as it doesn't jump and it flows well. There was one part however, where Laurence was just stood plain in the background, so we will have to film that part again.
Does the editing build pace and tension?
We have not finished editing the whole of our film yet, but we hope to achieve this.

Mise en scene:

Do you have well used mise-en-scene? 
Yes, we do.
Does the setting create fear? Have you used this well? 
It's set in the victims home so the audience can relate to it. When something bad happens, like the lights going out, the audience get more scared.
Do you have appropriate props? Do they create fear? 
There are no props.
Have you utilised the lighting to create fear? 
Yes, the main threat and source of all the problems is a 'light', so we hope it creates fear.
Are the colours appropriate to your sub-genre? 
Yes. There is
Is the characters performance convincing?
Yes.mainly just normal lights used in the house to give a sense of normality, however the bright white light outside relates to the psychological side.

Have you chose a suitable character?
Do they conform the sterotype of the threat/victim?

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