
Thursday 23 February 2012

Reflective Evaluation Question 1- Laurence Williamson

I have chosen the images below as inspiration for our psychological film. I feel that each image clearly represents different conventions from the psychological film sub-genre, and some of which we plan to use in our film.

Logo from an existing film
This is the Lionsgate logo which appears in the opening title sequences of their horror films. Looking at the colours used in the background, being black and red, it shows that they are possibly trying to recreate fire by colouring the clouds different shades of red in the background, this could also be trying to create an image of hell. I also like the font of Lionsgate as it stands out with it being fairly large and bold and being coloured with what looks like dirty metal. This is a quite inspiring         
                                                                                      design for our opening logo as it looks quite 
                                                                                         demonic which is what our film is all about. 

Here is the logo for our film. The production company is called 'Storm Productions' and we tried to recreate the storm feeling by using the 'damaged' background' with lightning bolts through it. We also recreated the storm feel by finding a font with what looks like debris coming off it. This is effective as the image relates to the name of the production company which is good as well as it looking quite scary to make it look like a horror production company. 

Title logo from an existing film

This is the title for the film 'The Ring'. I like the design of this logo as it links to the concept of our film quite well with the idea of the light being a threat, I understand that light isn't the threat in the film 'The Ring' but the idea is shown in the logo. I like how the light is coming from behind as it is hidden or covered. I also like how the light begins bright from behind and gradually fades out. The text is also good as it is very simple and it seems as though it has been cut out from the black circle to allow the light to pass through the shape of the letter. This is an idea I would be interested in using for our film logo as again it is primarily what our film is about. 

This is the title for our film. I really like this because it reflects the name and concept of the film by using the light in the background and it being bright in the middle and gently fading as it expands outwards. The light has also been manipulated using Photoshop to add effects such as exposure just to make it a little more effective. The font used is also very simple but the text is placed well above and below the light to allow the light to actually be seen properly. As you can tell we were inspired by 'The Ring's logo by using simple font and some sort of light. 

Image showing sub-genre

This is an image of a scene in the film '1408' which clearly shows the Psychological sub-genre as the image is quite eerie and makes you wonder what is happening. The image relates to our film by using the light to present something. The light in this image is being used to draw attention to something, being the little girl who looks quite ghostly and the light adds to this effect. The girl is also in white which shows purity and innocence whereas 
the man is in dark clothing and on the darker side of the room which could show that he is vulnerable. This is something we will look at using in our film as costume is a very important element of setting the scene. 

This is a shot from our film where the psychological sub genre is shown by again being quite eerie as it makes the audience wonder what the light is that has caused the house's electricity to cut out. It also shows the character as being quite vulnerable as he looks fairly scared as he doesn't know what the light is either. By using the light through the window shows that the character has only got a certain level of protection before it could possibly threaten him. 

Image establishing character

This is also an image from the film 'The Ring' which establishes character. The image directly links to our film as the character becomes visibly possessed by using make up editing to show this and this is what has happened to the girl in the picture. We will also be using make up to show that the character has become possessed. The girl also looks very evil and is shown by her staring directly into the camera which creates more fear within the audience, this is something that I think as a group we should look at doing as it is a very good technique to create fear. 

This is a shot from our film establishing character as it is what the opening scene is; a close up of his face to introduce him. We tried to make him look already vulnerable by him being alone watching a film, and you can tell he looks a little nervous/scared by him biting his nails which is a good action to use to show the audience that a character could be a little scared. 

Image showing misé-en-scene
This image is from '1408' and shows good misé-en-scene as the camera is at a high angle which is showing that the character does not have much power in the shot. The camera is also looking directly at the character through the hole of the noose that is a prop used to show a possible suicide threat. The costume he is wearing shows that he doesn't really know what is happening as he is wearing a hawaiian shirt which is typically worn when having a good time but by looking at this image is shows that it obviously isn't anything good. We will try and use something like this in our film by directly establishing a threat and in our film it will be the light. 

This is a shot from our film which shows good misé-en-scene by showing the character, the victim, in the garden walking towards the light behind the garage, which is the threat. With this also being shot at night it gives it more of a scary feel as seen in other popular horror films; everything bad seems to happen at night as victims least expect something bad to happen but it is even worse when it is at night.

4 key images from existing films
This image is very disturbing, which is what psychological films are supposed to do to the audience. It shows the character looking very ill and quite crazy which could represent him as being possessed. This is something we intend to do in our film, show our character as being possessed by using body language and make up. 

This is an image from paranormal activity 2 showing one of the characters alone in a room looking vulnerable which is what we want to try and do in our film. By doing this it creates tension as no-one is talking therefore it is only the background noise or music that can be heard.

This image is from 'The Ring' and shows the character looking directly into the threat, this is something we are looking at doing in our film. It creates extreme tension and fear within the audience as they expect something bad to happen straight after. 

This is a good image from paranormal activity 2 as it shows the threat being possessed by the demon. This is something we are looking at doing in our film as it is effective and looks good to show the possessed character in a close shot. 

4 key images from our film

This image from our film is good because as said above we want to get the victim to look directly at the threat and this is what we have done here. This is effective as you can see by the characters body language that he feels scared, confused and threatened by the light, which is what we were going for in this shot.

This is a good key image from our film as it shows the victim looking scared as he tries to find out what it was that he just saw out of the window. It shows him alone and the camera angle makes it seem that he has power, at least that is what he wants to think but actually he is about to become possessed. 

This image shows our victim being threatened by the threat as he is clinging onto the wall for protection after he has approached the light. This creates tension and fear within the audience as no one knows what is going to happen next. 

This image is taken from the very end of our film when the victim has finally become possessed by the light. We used make up to make his face seem possessed by darkening his eyes and making his face look dirty and bruised. The way his eyes are looking into his head are also effective as it adds to the look we were trying to create of him being possessed.


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