
Wednesday 11 January 2012

Amended Recee for Horror Film

Here is Our amended Recee for our horror film. In our pitch we said we were originally going to use just a room and then the 'light' would appear through the curtains of the windows in that room. Now we have chosen the 'light' to be in a hidden but partially visible area which the actor then goes to discover to add a more scary aspect to the film. 

               The Window from the outside                        The Window from the inside

                                                   The gap behind garage                                                                                                              
                                             from which the light will appear

Recee Number: 1
Location Address: 7 Holden Gardens, Stapleford, Nottingham

What is the location: A house in Stapleford

What would you film here: The actual film

Public Usage: None

How well lit is the site?
Fairly well lit

Where does the light come from?
 security lights on the house and lights inside the house

Will you require extra lighting?

How will you white balance the camera?
By using a white sheet of paper in every area we film in

Are there any background sounds?
Possibly sound of traffic 

Are these natural or man-made?

Will these affect the shoot?
Shouldn't do

Electrical (power lines etc):
There are no electrical hazards

Trip hazards: Stones?

Fire hazards: Extra lighting

Machinery: None

Potential for street crime: None

Site Evaluation: go through the following points and give each of the criteria a mark out of
10 (10 being the best)
Suitability: How suitable is the location to your shoot?
Public Usage: Will the area be used by the public? Could this be a nuisance?
Power supply: Is there a power supply? What will you do if batteries fail?
      10 /10
Space to Move: Is there enough room to fit in the actors, crew and camera?
Lighting: Is the site dark? Will you require extra lighting?
Sound and Noise: Will any background noises affect the shoot?
      5 /10
Health and Safety: IMPORTANT ! How safe is the site?  

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