
Wednesday 11 January 2012

analysis of others work by Rachael Biggs. physicolgical 1.

Does it look like a horror film?

There are some shots that fit the conventional horror film such as the close up of the eyes when he wakes up they use some make up to inhance the eyes. The idea of him looking into a mirror and appearing in a different place is a good idea.

Does it have a range of shots?

The shots used are;
- A close up on the clock, eyes, feet, door handle, light switch,
- A medium shot its used when he is in bed to show the setting.
- A pan going upwards to show that they have moved locations.
- A long shot to show the two characters.

Is it well framed?
The people have used the rule of thirds. I have uploaded an image which is print screened from the clip. This shows that there is space next to the character to show that something may be there, but also the character is in center shot.

Does it flow? Does it break continuity?

The shots all run smoothly until at (3.00) the scenes change as the light changes, the change of lighting could be the positioning of the camera or change of scene.

Does it have well used mise-en-scene?

The props used are;
- The mirror, and this is the key part of the story and is used well. The slippers are also a prob used.

Has the sounds been used to create fear? How?

- The sounds being used is of children and a mobile sounds which baby's used to go to sleep, this is used on some horror films to create tention. They do a great effect on this, and they also add airy sounds to it. But as the clip gets too (2.06) a random guitar is being played which i don't think works for this part.

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