
Wednesday 11 January 2012

Marking Previous Students Work- Laurence Williamson

Previous Students Work- PSYCHOLOICAL 1

Does it look like a horror film?
Sort of, the music gives the idea that it is a horror but at first it doesn't really seem like one until he is running through the forest. 

Does it have a range of shots?
There are a range of shots used;
- Many close ups to begin with of key things
- Over the shoulder shot of actor looking in the mirror
- long shot to show the location change
- Close up of emotion and reactions shown by actor

Is it well framed?
It is very well framed as they have followed the 180 degree rule and the rule of thirds etc. 

Does it flow? Does it break continuity?
It flows nicely as I didn't notice any very jumpy bits which is good. 

Does it have well used mise-en-scene?
There aren't really any props used in the film, apart from the mirror and that is about it. 
Has the sounds been used to create fear?
- There is some very eerie and scary music at the beginning of the film, sounds of children laughing and twinkly music, these two put together definitely create fear!

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