
Wednesday 11 January 2012

PSYCHOLOGICAL 2- Rachael Biggs

Does it look like a horror film?
This has the makings of a horror film, the idea is good but the camera work lets the horror film down.

Does it have a range of shots?
The shots used are;
- Long shot when walking in
- Over the shoulder shot of pendent
- long shot to show the location and other character.
- Close up of emotion and pendent.
- A focus on character behind then a transitions which makes the background blury and the key objext in focus.
- Paning when he runs.

Is it well framed?
The people have used the rule of thirds. In some shots but not all of them.

Does it flow? Does it break continuity?
In this video the camera work lets them down, some scenes run but they break the 180 degree rule..
(0.46) they jump from one side of his to the toal oposite they jump past the 180 mark. The camera needed to be places on a tripod in some shots as the shots are jumpy. Also on shot (2.19) when he falls they break the 180 degree rule and it messes with the audience.

Does it have well used mise-en-scene?
The props used are;
- The prob is the main componant of the story and is used well through out the shots, and they are no contiunity editing such as changing hands.

Has the sounds been used to create fear?
- There is a wind sounds to show that someone is there and there is russling of branches. They use a action sound when the character is being chased.

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