
Wednesday 11 January 2012

Script and recee (dark room) for the exposure

The exposure


     NO MUSIC BEING PLAYED begins as we fade into a series of shots.

-   A man STANDING, in his room looking through processed IMAGES, a LONG SHOT is used and then the camera goes up on a CLOSE UP to see the different IMAGES up close, so the audience can see them. To show that he is looking at the images an over the shoulder shot is used and a point of view shot. The IMAGES have related to the opening title sequence.

- MALE ACTOR sat in room watching TV and notices a strange NOISE and some sort of LIGHT

-   the MALE ACTOR hears the NOISE and looks around. To show emotion use CLOSE UPS. LOOKS out window  and notices the LIGHT coming from OUTSIDE

-   The MALE ACTOR starts to WALK towards the DOOR and towards front door to go OUTSIDE . PAN the shot.

-   The MALE ACTOR opens the doors, use a CLOSE UP on the door to show he’s going through it. The NOISE is carrying on through this shot.

-       The MALE ACTOR has walked through the door and notices the LIGHT getting stronger. A CLOSE UP is needed of his face and reaction.

Male character (MATT BIDDULPH)

-shocked face as he notices the light.

-   The MALE ACTOR walks TOWARDS the light , to do this we are using a PANNING SHOT.

-   The MALE ACTOR approaches the garage which then reveals the LIGHT which he finds painful to look at and he GRABS his face in pain. 

- Shadow/Figure is shown with camera flashes (being the man in the title sequence developing those pictures)

-   EDITING in a white light that fades.


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